“This land is our land, but it could be your land; from Fitchburg proper to the rolling highlands; from our Urban Forests to the Yahara Waters, this land was made for you and thee.” With all due respect to Woody Guthrie, we just can’t help but sing the praises of our land. Of course, there’s land, and then there’s L-A-N-D, as in LAND from AVANTE is NEAR DREAMLIKE. There are so many opportunities and possibilities. There’s land for living, for prospering, for working (although probably not for working the land), and for entertaining, or better yet, being entertained. It just makes us want to break-out in song.
Or work the dream. In either case, Uptown Fitchburg is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will shape the economy of Fitchburg, but more importantly, shape your personal economy. If there’s safety in numbers, how about these numbers? Home to 2,000 people, office to 4,000, and 500,000 square feet of everything you want in a destination. Want the Upside? Visit Uptown.
Explore Available Lots
Mark Twain famously said, “Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.” We couldn’t agree MORE. More opportunities, more innovation, more people who like to do more things. Buying land in the Fitchburg Technology Campus can be a dream come true for a business, a developer or for anyone who can dream big – in an affordable way, of course.
Explore Available LotsContact Chris Armstrong at 608.294.4086 for details or fill out this short form by telling us what you are looking for.